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Will therapy help? Client comments and testimonials.
Therapy does not help everyone, nor is a therapist the right therapist for every client. I find therapy works best when clients feel comfortable and safe with the therapist they have chosen and when they are able to commit both time and mental space, in sessions and outside of sessions. The following are genuine testimonials from clients who felt our therapy helped them, their permission has been sought for publication here.
"You are an amazing person, who is very kind and sympathetic and listens very well. You have a natural gift which made me feel at ease and helped me trust you, I can never thank you enough for what you have taught me which will stay with me for life now and help me and my family grow."
"Very professional and extremely helpful in helping to understand difficulties and developing strategies of how to overcome/improve/manage them."
"My time felt safe, secure and valued."
"I have always been sceptical of therapy but I know now this is unfounded. I still have difficulties at times, but mostly have an improvement of unbelievable quality! Katherine was always, I felt, on my side."
"Katherine was instrumental in my efforts to re-build my life following the sudden death of my husband. She helped me to understand the grief process, my relationship with those around me and to value my own self-worth. Her advice is balanced, objective and pragmatic; but most importantly she is 'human'- approachable, candid, sensitive and compassionate."
"I have had therapy in the past but this has been the only time that it has really helped me. Katherine was so understanding and helped me to see things in a different way, which was what I was hoping for. The sessions helped me no end, I can't explain how much things have changed for me, I am so grateful."
"Katherine took an approach that focused on individual needs not just applying a treatment or theory. I feel I benefited from this type of approach and it was helpful and authentic."
"A very calm environment and instantly at ease, warm but always professional."
"Extremely professional and made me feel at ease immediately. Throughout my time seeing you, I could already notice an improvement and how effective it was in relieving my symptoms. Also, the strategies which you provided me with were brilliant."
"I was becoming really reclusive when I first attended my sessions but now I can get on a bus, walk for 2 miles and be in traffic for 2 hours, with panic at first, but with techniques she has shown me, I can calm myself down."
"In 13 weeks, you helped me distil over 30 years of misunderstood and unresolved emotions, I don't know how you did it but I am very grateful."
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